Good shoes take you to good places.

Quote by Seo Min Hyun

When my son started school I took a photo of his new shoes, not him by the front door like every other home, but of his new shoes. I then realised something about myself, I mark chapters of my life with my passion for footwear, mainly heels.

Shoes speak to my soul. I have fond memories of going to Russell and Bromley as a child to be fitted for my ‘Start Rite Mary Jane’s’ in the latest colour. The child section was up a winding staircase (totally impractical for parents and little ones), it had a light fluffy carpet and around the edge of the room was a huge, long tropical fish tank. The shoes were expensive, lasted and made me feel like a princess. The new shoe box was often held by me on the journey home (except for, on the winding staircase previously mentioned) with pride and my collection over the years has grown and only increased in quality.

I have high heels that make me smile; some symbolise the break up of previous relationships, I always buy new school shoes for the new term and have shoes purchased following births, deaths and marriages.

I’m not that fond of bags….an impractical sparkly clutch bag and I’m happy. Life is too short for practical black/neutral bags and frankly I take my hat off to those that change their bag daily…hmmm hats I don’t do those either?

I don’t have shoes for every occasion, just shoes that make me smile, feel happy or in some way complete. I only own two black pairs of shoes, may be three (?) and I don’t tend to buy shoes that are cheap and as a result have never suffered with rubbing or blisters. I don’t wear shoes for comfort because how they make me feel is more important.

I asked my son about this quote and in he’s five year old wisdom he said “What’s a good place?” he raises a good point. A good place to me will be different to your perception of a ‘good place’ perhaps thats why there are so many places and so many types of shoes? In my life I plan to go onwards and upwards, it makes sense that a pair of eight or ten inch heel’s are my best companion.

Perhaps, living life in comfort is a priority for you, may be you are simple in expectations and live life exposed – the flip flop may be your choice of footwear?

My son, predictably likes wellies, adventurous and practical in the UK. Quick to put on and in some jarring design.

I make judgements about people on their shoes, do they care about themselves, do they look after themselves / are we compatible? What would your shoes tell me about you and where is it taking you?

21 thoughts on “Good shoes take you to good places.

  1. I don’t own a single pair of high heels! I used to when I was a teenager but ever since I met my hubs and I haven’t worn them because he’s about an inch shorter than me and I don’t like feeling like a giant! I am usually wearing converse/boots in the colder months and flip flops in the summer, I wonder what that says about me?! Definitely agree though that it’s worth splashing the cash when buying shoes, cheap ones never last as long xx #thesatsesh


  2. i absolutely love shoes. They generate an emotion within me. I own gorgeous , ridiculously high stilettos most of which i can’t walk in – they’re great for sitting in! and will be on display shelves when i finally decorate my bedroom. Since moving to Wales though I have turned more to comfort and practicality. Enjoying wellies, jellies, flipflops and pumps rather than sexy stilettos as daily wear 0 but also discovering some really gorgeous both comfortable, practical and stylish booties and flats for working in along the way #shoesrule #thesatsesh


  3. I love shoes but they have be comfortable always. If they’re not comfortable I wouldn’t get them even if they are the cutest I’ve seen. That’s probably why I’m usually a relaxed type of person. lol #thesatsesh


  4. oh shoes how I love thee!! I have such a pretty shoe collection most of which don’t get worn now as I am always in my flats, but since I discovered a sparkly pump I am coming back into my own #thesatsesh


  5. Ha I can’t really do heels well, I have such an awful back and it’s worse since having my little one. But I love shoes. I love clarks and sketchers. My daughter loves shoes To. We can never just come away with one pair,she has to have wellies and boots, Sandles and trainers. 🤦‍♀️. #thesatsesh


  6. Ooooh I love a good pair of shoes but I don’t have nearly as many as I’d like. Heels are a no no for me these days though. My feet just can’t hack it. Not that they ever could to be honest. haha. X #thesatsesh


  7. I am luky enough to be able to wear sneakers almost everywhere. Then, I also have Dansko’s. I like comfort due to back and neck issues. I stand at work, so I need comfort. Shoes do tell stories though, don’t they! xoxo #thesatsesh


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