Don’t look where you fell but where you slipped

Quote Anon

The wise words of ‘Anon’ strike again. I actually did fall today. I was putting something on a high shelf, with my Mrs independent head on…slipped, fell and then altered to my damsels in distress vibe across the kitchen floor. A giant and far too big plaster later and I was good to go. *Why do you never have the right size plaster for the job at hand, even though plasters come in a box of various sizes?

Alas, I don’t want to look at the literal interpretation inspired by this quote but as we step into spring (in the UK the clocks sprung forward last night) I realised we are a quarter of the way through the year. Last night whilst journaling (and watching Greys anatomy) I reflected on my personal goals.

January was successful in motivating my New Years resolutions and now those goals have become habitual or achieved. For me, in this moment where I’m ‘slipping’ is an evaluation of where I’m going, what I want to achieve and how I’m going to get there..I guess this post is a NY resolution part 2.

For me, yoga had become repetitive and I needed to move my journey along. Currently the pandemic means I can’t go to live, in person, classes for inspiration – instead I’ve set myself 2 advanced poses to concur. Already it’s meant my mat has been out more frequently as my interest is peeking.

Next, the Mr treated me to a waffle maker. This meant that the variants of the waffle experience are now up for mastering. For example, today’s recipe was really enjoyable but I completely misjudged how much batter to put in the waffle machine…moments later my kitchen counter looked like an active volcano, although it smelt amazing! I’m also going to explore healthy toppings and the perfect batter amount. *I may need to buy a ladle?

Career wise I have a plan, house wise the list is endless…but taking the time to prioritise the next steps and what’s important will hopefully help me avoid ‘slipping’ into a stagnant pond of helplessness. The full moon tonight provides an added incentive to pause, reflect and avoid the slippages of life.

Where are you falling down? What have you become complacent in? Are you getting the best out of 2020? More importantly if you have any waffle recipes or topping ideas – send them my way in the comment section.

With thanks x

Ego’s trip but the humble doesn’t stumble

Quote Anon

On Monday I took the opportunity between appointments to throw on my wellies and go for a walk in the forest opposite to where I live. I drank in the sun and for extra dose of wellbeing I listened to an Oprah podcast which was about the ego.

As I got into the centre of the forest, I felt truly privileged and proud that I’d carved out this time for myself. Little did I know a huge lesson was about to be delivered from the universe.

On the other side of the forest from where I was walking was a bench next to a low stream, on the bench I saw something but couldn’t make out what it was? I walked over to investigate. As I grew closer it was some abandoned litter. Instantly I became furious that people could be so selfish.

I then read the bench plaque and became outraged for the man who’s memory the bench was installed, upset that the inscription referred to his love of the woodlands…and then I turned to walk away, after all my ego whispered ‘it wasn’t my litter’

It was like the forest slapped me across the face, I probably only turned 10 degrees, the lesson was served to me in milliseconds – before the grief of my own ego hit me. If I didn’t pick the litter up, who would and if I wasn’t prepared to right a wrong why should anyone else?

I’m embarrassed to write that I didn’t instantly grab the wrapping but this is the lesson. This is how I learnt it and I’m hoping by sharing it with you, you won’t have to learn the lesson with hesitation like I did.

As I picked up the litter with both hands the podcast still playing in my ears shared the Eckhart Tolle quote:

“You do not become good by trying to be good but by finding goodness that is already in you and allowing it to emerge”

Nobody in my opinion is better or worse than anyone else, I also think much of the litter we see on the south coast where I live isn’t always dumped by litter bugs; Mother nature’s use of the wind is sometimes unhelpful and the seagulls that surround my area certainly don’t help the situation. Had I of not rethought my actions the lesson would of been missed, I hugely stand by the principle that the kindness of people happens in the cracks of the shadows. When the world isn’t looking are you still as kind as when it shines a light on you? If your behaviour doesn’t alter, that to me is authentic. Sometimes however, we are human and the ego whispers unhelpful words in our ears and much like a sweet wrapper in the wind, we get swept away.

This post isn’t about who’s better or worse…that would give ego more energy, I’m certainly embarrassed by my hesitation. However, I learnt my own truth, the universe tested me and it’s not a lesson I want to relearn any time soon. I also believe that my spontaneous trip and timely podcast choice were destined to deliver me to a new lesson that I was open to hearing. I was prepared to drown out my ego and listen to my soul…when was the last time you truly listens to your intuition, to the lessons the world is waiting to share? I’d love you to share them in the comment section of this blog. After all, we can all learn from each other.

You become what you believe

Quote Anon

Focus is something I often lack. My attention span is small and my ability to day dream is huge. However, I’ve found that if I can dream it, it can happen.

Over the last year I’ve had a little more time to listen, both to my internal voice and of those around me. When you truly listen, its hilarious how often people sabotage their own ideas in an opening sentence…”I’ve got to lose some weight, but…” or “I’d love to try that but…” and in that cheeky word ‘but’ the vision dies and all that’s left are empty promises and a human who doesn’t think they are worthy.

There are so many people who perhaps don’t deserve what they have BUT dared to dream and believed they were worthy of it and so it happened. Self belief is a recipe for joy and achievement, doubt kills any ideas in seconds.

The other issue is that you truly have to believe the words that fall from your mouth, again if you don’t think you are worthy your brain will add doubt like a poison before you have even begun.

Lately, I’ve been journaling and manifesting through writing down the life I want to create. You see, if you can add feeling to words and belief in your mind – the universe can’t tell the difference between fantasy and life, it therefore gives you what you put out and voila, dreams come true.

We are often, if not always are our own worst enemy’s – nothing can happen without ourselves allowing it. If someone is rude to us and we let them continue to speak, if we don’t correct the behaviour or walk away, we become part of the issue. Our pasts are gone, yet we hold on to so many negative memories that often end up causing us dis-ease, the burden on the body becomes too much.

What if, instead or worrying about the future, just for one day we put down our pasts and created the life we wanted, just for a day? Would we be too scared of the change? Are we holding on the past shadows of ourselves, are our wardrobes stuffed with clothes we do not need and that indeed fitted another body along time ago? Do we have relationships around us that don’t serve us, but we feel obliged to nod and smile and stick around.

Have you even thought consciously about what you do want? This week I invite you to be brave, to dare to dream. To take one action towards a dream and to let go of one thought that doesn’t serve you. My guess is that most of you won’t be brave enough, that just like I do, you’ll get distracted and lose focus…lost in the whirl wind of thoughts. For this reason I also urge you to grab a pen and see where your thoughts take you. Keep it only positive and use every adjective and feeling you can to help the written word come to life. Who knows, perhaps next week I’ll be writing from a new location thanks to dreaming big.