Make it pop like pink Champagne.

Quote from the lyrics of Ariana Grande. I’m totally using this quote as an excuse to open a bottle of pink bubbles (you know for photography authenticity)

I have a secret, which if you ever met me isn’t the greatest secret ever. In my head I am a fairy. When I first met Mr F he named part of my personality as ‘Fairy’, this is the ditzy blonde, petite and often totally mistaken element of me, this is the part of me that didn’t realise that cars gave way on roundabouts in the UK to the right…until I had at least ten years of driving experience (I just thought people were kind) and Mr F pointed this out…ops! Fairy is also identified when I sing the wrong lyrics out loud incorrectly clueless to my own error, when I suddenly realise that things aren’t pronounced or therefore spelt how I thought they were for the last thirty years; examples include ‘Ham bags’ (leather…meat, it made sense in my head?) or that I drove through Blackwall Tunnel for several years oblivious to the Thames water over my head.

However, my definition of me as a fairy is magical. I have secret powers. Technically, we all have these powers but I harness them whilst many wallow in misery and self doubt…the secret power I possess is that I fully believe that the thoughts I have become my reality. I notice my thoughts, pay attention to them and go out of my way to avoid negative people. I am mindful in how I perceive others and more importantly myself. I don’t let myself indulge in ‘mindLESS’ entertainment on TV. I continuously cultivate my mind daily. Some days I am successful, other days I don’t always fully succeed – but I always go to sleep reflecting on what I did do well.

A few weeks a go I went to a funeral of a lovely member of my family. She was such a huge character and as I reflected on how grateful I was to have had her in my life. I realised that in other conversations around the room people chatted of mundane tales of life and that the highlights were sharing tales of her that made us laugh, giggle and reflect. Stories that stirred a ‘Pop pink Champagne’ reaction within us. Listening to the fizz and delight of life (seriously how lovely is that noise), perhaps you are more a ‘cold pint with moustache’ kinda dude or a warming ‘mulled wine’ worldly woman – what ever life’s tipple is, shouldn’t that be a daily goal for us all? * I’m not suggesting we all become alcoholics, this is just an analogy, I am suggesting that we make time to enjoy life even in the bleaker moments.

As a Fairy, I am 100% a pink Champagne popping princess. This analogy isn’t about financial wealth, but to me a quality product, with an edge (its pink), with a beauty, vitality and energy (the pop), an energy that makes others who sample its delight feel special. A treat. For me an indulgent necessity.

Pink Champagne is chilled, it knows when to make noise (back to the pop again) and when to settle in the glass, when to tingle of the tongue – best of all, it looks at life through rose tinted ‘glasses’ and always makes me want to dance. Its this description of life that I aspire to.

What’s your tipple of life?

32 thoughts on “Make it pop like pink Champagne.

  1. Omg this is brilliant! Perhaps we came from the same fairy dust because I used to read “son-of-a-bitch” as “sonab-itch” for ages and didn’t link the two… Hubbie bought me a tshirt once that read -“excuse me, I’m blond”. I have many blondisms but I’m ok with that! I tend to say whatever pops into my head! People are often surprised I have a Masters degree! I love your analogy to pink champagne…how clever you are…..and looking at life through pink champagne tinted glasses is much more fun that being a glass of Guinness. Xxxx love xxxx# thesatsesh


  2. Lovely that you have found something positive from such a sad time xx Think I probably flit between a dependable, thirst quenching cold pint when i’m in ‘getting stuff done’ mode and a more sphisticated red wine kind of gal when i’m having some me time or time with friends. Well done on keeping those plates spinning too 😊


  3. oooooo I love this! According to a quiz I once took I’m red wine. Something to do with because not everyone likes it. Similar to marmite I guess! Trolled by the internet. I’d much rather be a pink Champagne popping princess. #thesatsesh


  4. Hi- great post- I don’t know what drink I would be, but I have a book recommendation I think you would love, based on what you’ve said here- ‘Big Magic’ by Elizabeth Gilbert- it’s all about positivity, creativity and a little bit of magic. I think you’d love it! #thesatsesh


  5. I love this analogy and it was good to read about your thoughts becoming your reality. This is something I’ve been working on lately – not to let my own unhelpful thoughts undermine me. It’s not always as easy as it sounds. For example, I have a bit of fear of motorway driving and I really struggled to bring my negative thoughts into check when I did an hour each way this weekend. But I did it! Thanks for sharing your your positive attitude with us. #thesatsesh


  6. Love the references to mindfulness and avoiding ‘mindless’ stuff – it’s so good to see the brain as a ‘muscle’ that can be continuously trained and exercised. Positive thinking is an excellent tool – thanks for always reminding me of it and sprinkling your fairy dust on my part of s-e London with your messages and blogposts xxxxxx #thesatsesh


  7. I love this. You’re so right. I think we all need to take time to enjoy life, especially when things aren’t going to plan. I also love you thought people at roundabouts were just being kind!! 🙂 #thesatsesh


  8. Awesome analogy! I’m not sure what my tipple would be – alcoholic ginger beer perhaps? Appears sensible when necessary but has a fire within!

    And congratulations because someone loved this post so much, they added it to the #BlogCrush linky! Feel free to collect your “I’ve been featured” blog badge 🙂


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