She’s a Queen bee with a little bit of savage

Quote by R.h.Sin

Oh hello wonderful quote! This time we aren’t talking Beyonce (for once) but instead the female ability to flip from princess to distress in seconds. Having conceived a little male monster I can also confirm there is no gender bias here and I have 100% experienced this with him, today he has cried over:

  • His cheese wasn’t cheesy enough
  • Putting on his shoes to go to the park
  • leaving the park
  • being asked to pick his toys up
  • being told its bed time

and then within seconds smiling and giggling like the dude he usually is.

I’m specifically focusing on female diva’s because I’d like to share some new research that I’ve recently learnt and found totally sparkly. I did the research because I work in an all girl secondary school. This means that with approximately 1,250 uterus’s a hormonal melt down can be happening at any moment (most moments) between the hours of…well all hours.

My Mr F jokes that during my period (yup I wrote the word down) I could literally get away with murder, a quick google and sure enough there are several cases where due to extreme mental and hormonal surges women have killed and not served a sentence because they were ‘deemed emotionally unstable’. Men you have been warned and ladies I’m guessing this doesn’t surprise us. I can usually see a pattern in the older girls that I work with on a regular basis and their menstrual cycle, how they are feeling / the volume of tissues I’m going through in that week.

So I came across an article that led me to another article that I’d love to quote (but didn’t save, sorry) that taught me that the moon and our cycles are at one with each other. Given that the moon controls the oceans tides and spending time with our female bestie means our cycles can synchronise, again it wasn’t a huge surprise – it just wasn’t something I’d ever considered.

*Incidentally while we are getting all ‘moon chat’ (yup thats a thing now) my son is convinced that the moon is made of cheese and you can ‘taste the rainbow’ – the power of advertising…

So, in essence there are four dramatic changes in the cycle of the moon

  • Quatre Phase
  • wax
  • full
  • wane

Of course we don’t all synchronise on the same phase of the moon, so different patterns in fertility and menstruation have different effects and different women. See even the moon is diverse; from Wax where women tend to feel inwards and self-nourishing. It’s meant to be an awesome time to think, to learn, to read, and to plan. So any big plans beyond our uterus, wait for a Wax moon. To a full moon which is meant to symbolise fire, abundance, power and vitality, these are just snippets of whats out there…and now a dash of hope, according to a further google you can coordinate and sync your period to coincide with a better moon cycle for yourself. So if you are having a hard time with mother nature and aren’t part of a Native American tribe where you can go to a hut away from everyone and relax, you can at least move to a more convenient moon cycle.

Wherever you are in your cycle or if you’re a gentlemen tip toeing around the female members of your household, bare in mind the moon may have a part to play in her temporary moment of savage and she’ll soon be back on top and a Queen Bee. I guess we can also just be too tired and a little hungry, having days where we don’t want to play and thats okay too. In this corner of the internet I will always preach that we all need to be a little gentler to ourselves no matter what our race, gender, religion or postcode…or today how the moon causes us to feel.

Moon hugs.x



37 thoughts on “She’s a Queen bee with a little bit of savage

  1. Is heard of friends synchronizing their periods but I didn’t know that we could sync with the moon!? That’s impressive! I’m also totally going to blame the moon for my next melt down. Oh and probably eat some cheese. The cheesy type. 😁 Interesting post! Thanks for linking to #DreamTeam x


  2. I definitely wane like the moon at points in my cycle lol. My daughter is 12 and yet to start, but the hormones are definitely making her savage lol.


  3. As a muslim, I follow the lunar calendar. The moon is such a powerful thing, and determines so much for us. So I wasn’t really surprised with the research pointing in that direction. But it is way cool to know that there is a connection between all of these things. So mystical. Loved the post. #thesatsesh



        This is a pretty good article at explaining the reason behind the lunar calendar.
        Ramadan is an entire month of fasting for Muslims all around the world. If we followed a solar calendar for example, Ramadan would be the same dates every year. If I live in the US and Ramadan happened in December, I would have the shortest fasts since winter has short days as opposed to someone on the other side of the world where December is warm, making their fasts long. It’s not exactly fair.
        With a lunar calendar, Ramadan rotates for everyone all year long. It moves up 10-11 days every year. And we literally do wait for a moon sighting to determine when Ramadan starts and when it ends to celebrate Eid. I hope this makes sense? Pls let me know if I can clarify anything! :)))
        – Sumra


  4. Kids got a point, there really is no need for non cheesy cheese, is there? I’m going to try and find my wax moon time, so I can be all creative and shiz! x


  5. Haha I love the temporary moment of savage comment. It’s funny because one month I’m a tearful mess and the other I resemble a 5ft 2″ psychopath! 🙂 Thanks for hosting x #thesatsesh


  6. I am without uterus but with ovaries so my hormones are causing my all kinds of totally crazy shit at the moment and my poor husband doesn’t know what hit him. Working in a school with quite a few women of a certain age it can be interesting too. We all fight to sit
    Next to the fan/window. But seriously I feel your pain and that is a great quote I may have to stick it in our staff room. #thesatsesh


    1. Oh please do. It’s on my Pinterest board if you want to print in and spend the yearly budget on one coloured photocopy. Wow, I wonder if moon cycles effect ovaries more etc? Positive vibes to the hubby x


  7. How interesting. I’d heard about how you can synchronise with your friends who you spend a lot of time but not the moon. So mystical to think how we are connected with Mother Nature in so many ways x


  8. This is interesting. Someone commented on something on my facebook the other day about the recent new moon being a tough one. I was struggling with something I forget now…But I guess once upon a time when we were more in tune with nature our cycles would’ve matched up to the moon a lot more than they do these days. Maybe this is why we struggle with hormones sometimes…?!


    1. Oh I love this theory. Apparently my nurse friend said there are triple the number of caesarian sections during full moons also…has to be more to this than I understand


  9. I feel sorry for Hubby. With my PCOS it means I’m super irregular. Like I’ve only had one or two since March! Poor, poor Hubby!!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back tomorrow!


  10. This is great and makes absolute sense to me!!! A teen daughter in the house as well as me can make for a combustible hormonefest at times!!! #thesatsesh


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