If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.

Quote from Seth Gadin.

I’ve mentions numerous times in posts that I spent my childhood bubble wrapped due to my Dads overwhelming need to ensure my safety. Ultimately this has meant that I’m not exactly an adventure seeker…I’m more ‘glamp than camp’ and more ‘all inclusive than gap year’. 

In recent years, since raising my son I’ve had to move out of my comfort zone in order to allow him to see me role model both trying new things and pushing boundaries. In case you think this post is about selling all your worldly possessions and moving to Antarctica – you are very wrong. 

We all live in a comfort zone of what makes us happy and we all have our individual thresholds for what scares us or that we perceive we ‘can’t do’. For some it’s a trip to the Dentist, others it’s a fear of deep water or my son it’s generally everything. The annoying this about his emotional breakdowns of ‘Mummy I can’t do it…” is that within minutes of trying he usually aces things. He turned four in March and can swim unaided and ride his bike without stabilisers…the tears are unnecessary (try telling him that). 

I make plans to scare myself or push myself every few months, it’s good for the soul and good for my development and progression. I can’t think of anything worse than becoming stagnant. 

In the coming months I’m embarking on a new linky with a lovely companion, Hayley from Mission Mindfulness by my side. I’m not sure what coding or running a linky really entails? I’ve done some research and I’m willing to make mistakes and put in the work required to make it a success…that’s living and not settling. 

I guess this crazy world is here for us to explore and taste, to meet new people and form new bonds. Otherwise you can plod a long until your last day, with only the Tesco shop on a Tuesday to get you out of the home.

Sometimes when I have a mental block against something I use EFT. There are many websites and links that can explain it better than I could. You may wish to use a practitioner to guide you then DNA unleashed is a good start, there is also some blurb on this website about what the technique can offer, in essence it can help with anything from a phobia to a past trauma or everyday stress. 

Whatever your blocks, use this moment as a sign to attack your fears. They don’t have to be huge and may seem mundane to others. Warning: satisfaction from making progress is highly addictive and can lead to a better quality of life. 

*Links not PR related and words and thoughts are my own 


33 thoughts on “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.

  1. What a great way to look at things – I am forever telling my son he can do whatever he puts his mind too yet I don’t take my own advice. I suppose starting blogging was a big move for me. I didn’t really start it thinking people would want to read my posts but they have, I was more worried that when I suggested I wanted to do it I would be laughed at but everyone has been so supportive. #TriumphantTales


  2. This is a fab post. I have a few fears and am currently working on one at the moment. It is a learning curve for sure. Angela – The Inspiration Edit #TriumphantTales


  3. I completely agree and I make it my personal mission to always push myself even if I feel scared or completely overwhelmed! 100% love this post 🙂 #triumphanttales


  4. Im a complete coward and always air on the cautious side. But with Ben I push him… his confidence with walking isnt very good even though he can do it. He also has an interest in the stairs but with his lack of crawling he’s not sure what his knees do and just stands and cries infront of them. cue mummy going through the motions of crawling up the stairs to show him what to do to a tearful Ben sobbing as he hated it… then yesterday he climbed two steps unaided! He conquered his fears!! I guess as long as we’re brave in our kids eyes, it doesnt matter if we’re actually chickens! Fake it til we make it sweetie!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week.


    1. Oh I love fake it, I think it’s ok to also say to our children – this bloody terrifies me but I’m going to try… good luck with stopping him from climbing stairs in 2 weeks time 😉


  5. Ohhh excited for the new linky! I am awful at just sticking in my comfort zone and letting my fears if 5he unknown stop me from trying new things. I have tried to live by the mantra of ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ this year and I definitely feel happier because of it x #BlogCrush


    1. thanks lovely, i have to say its way harder to step out of the comfort zone BUT I always feel better for it, the bonus is you also realise how much support you have around you. Thanks for taking the time to comment – appreciated.


  6. Good luck with the linky. I am exploring that as well. A good reminder to push ourselves. Thanks. #thatsatsesh


  7. Thanks for sharing this. I think we all need to move out of comfort zones now and again. #thesatsesh


  8. I really enjoy sharing my general whitterings on #thesatsesh and reading other posts, so thanks for stepping outside your comfort zone


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