I’m nicer when I like my outfit 

Quote Anon.

Ouch, this quote is like the truth jumped out and smashed me in the face. It’s true, I’m a little shallow and I like nice things.

When I’m ill I do something odd; I wear my best pjs and indulge where I can; sleep in fresh linen, soak in a hot bath and depending on how poorly I am, I’ve been known to paint my nails or whack on a face pack because baggy jogging bottoms and old pjs make me feel worse.

For work I have the opportunity to wear ‘office clothing’ and I indulge in one awesome designer outfit every year. It’s meant I’ve now built up a wardrobe that makes me feel confident. Many people don’t like to spend money on work clothes but for me, this is where I spend most of my time, and it makes sense I want to be the best version of me most of the time. This of course doesn’t mean that the more expensive your clothing the better human you are…but for me, I am nicer when I like what I’m wearing.

The only thing I hate about this quote is the word ‘nice’ it really should stay on the side of a biscuit. So if I could I’d rewrite it to say ‘when I like my outfit I’m always kinder, more thoughtful and react to situations better’ I would.

Recently I went ‘out out’ with a friend for food, wine and gin, well a lot of gin. We are blessed to be neighbours, so on a Friday evening we left the hubbies with the kids and hit the big lights of…our village pubs. This meant the hassle of cabs or not driving was taken away and we could focus on being together. With great company you always have a good time, regardless of venue and actually we are blessed with some nice places to drink and eat in our tiny corner of the world. However, I wore a dress. It was a leather and fabric combo from Ted Baker and I added some killer heel ankle boots and my new leather (well pretend to be leather) jacket from Topshop for the occasion. I knew the rest of the pub would be wearing hoodies, jeans and there was even a man who was obviously a painter and decorator for a living who had come straight from work. I felt fabulous and didn’t really care about being over dressed – I was in the heavenly colour of black so felt I didn’t stand out like an Alsatian in a poodle palour, plus I rarely go out since being blessed with the little man and therefore felt it was necessary to enjoy getting ready.

Sometimes fashion is my armour to the world. People look at you and make judgements, sometimes I may hide behind a chunky scarf or may reveal all in a show stopper dress, these are my decisions and help me to tackle the world around me, I stopped caring what others thought of me in about 2001, so its more about my mental well being. If Ive got a busy day – a classic dress that makes me feel gorgeous is my go to, if its the first day back at school and I know I’m going to spend most of it wondering what my little dude is doing at Pre-school without me, then only a new pair of heels is going to get me through until pick up time.

Another aspect that I adore is throwing clothes out, in fact throwing anything out; even objects that aren’t mine, yes I really enjoying binning Mr F’s items. He rarely notices and Im just not sentimental. Going to an over flowing draw, tipping it out and chucking most of it in a donation bag literally makes me smile from ear to ear. I totally recommend this because its cheaper than therapy, makes you feel fantastic and the bonus is that others benefit from your yesterday jumpers, jeans or that bag that you bought when you were hungover and lacking judgement.

Clothing is a fantastic way to accessorise your identity, your mood or perhaps affirm who you would like to be. I rarely get my hair done these days, but a half head of highlights makes me feel cleaner (I think its the lack of dark roots) and more confident. I also live for a trim with a blunt line that makes my hair look loved. We all need pamper time. As regular reader will know Sunday nights for me are nails, face mask and luxury bubble bath in my house, should a glass of something fizzy join me then I sip it with delight. On a serious note, we all need time to pamper ourselves, we are worth it and need to step back from the hassle of life and if it sounds shallow then I make no apologies because I am nicer when I love my outfit, when I feel good and the triple bonus is that those around me spend time with a better version of me.

Whats your go to for a quick emotional pick me up?

44 thoughts on “I’m nicer when I like my outfit 

  1. This is so true. Last week I was working from home and full of cold and chucked on some tracky bottoms that have gone bobbly already and a sweatshirt. 5 minutes later I had to get changed and put some make up on as it was making me feel to bleurgh! Make up all the way for a boost! Thanks for linking to #marvmondays x

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  2. I love this, it is probably more a mix for me, but I’m nicer after exercise and definitely more grumpy on “fat days” perhaps I should try wearing a favourite outfit more. #MarvMondays

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  3. ‘Sometimes fashion is my armour to the world.’ This sentence – this just sums it up for me! Oh and I was nodding the entire way through – call me shallow too but when my outfit is on point I feel like I could rule the world. There’s a lot to be said for the power of clothes for a woman. Great read as always my lovely xx #MarvMondays

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  4. I always feel better and am more productive if I am dressed and in something that makes me feel good. It doesn’t always happen, especially with a 4 month old baby but I definitely notice the difference when I do make the effort! #MarvMondays


  5. I absolutely agree that what you wear can change your outlook. I dress nicer than I’m required to at work because it’s my armour and I feel more confident and in control if I’m happy with my outfit. I totally agree that we all deserve to have pamper time too. Where we diverge is on the throwing things out. I’m sentimental about absolutely everything and really struggle to have a clear out. I really wish I was more like you as I think it would be easier to keep a tidy home! Thanks for joining #eatsleepblogrt. Hope you come back next week.

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  6. I am so with you! But, for me, sometimes feeling cool in an oversized military jacket and converse pumps is just as important as feeling ‘glam’. I guess it;s all about expressing who you are and feeling comfortable in your own skin. I never feel worse than if I’m in something Mumsy and middle aged…but my nails haven’t seen a lick of nail varnish in, erm, ever. 😉

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    1. I agree, that’s what I meant for fashion expressing our identity – I hope that came through in my written word? Think of me the next time you are rocking a military jacket 🙂

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  7. I’m with you, nice can jump. But yet I probably use it 20 times a day. 😂 I” a big fan of the ‘glass half full/ half empty’ quote/ inspiration. It keeps me going… even when I initially feel half empty 😉 #eatsleepblogRT

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  8. You are so right, there is nothing shallow about loving what you are wearing. It’s always good to be the best version of you and if your outfit helps then go ahead.

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  9. I love that you got sooooo dressed up for a night out at your village local :-). You (and anon) make a good point – I realise just how grumpy I am in some clothes actually. At uni – someone once said to me ‘whenever you wear that top I know you’re grumpy’. I immediately chucked it out! #eatsleepblogRT

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  10. I wish I could feel like this about “nice” clothes. I’ve not worked in an evironmet that needed good clothes in over 10 years. I love comfy jeans and a hoody. I would love to have a few more WoW clothes but I don’t so never mind! I think nice food gives me a pick me up! If it’s tasty I love it! #candidcuddles

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  11. When i’m struggling most with depression I often put more make up on and dress nicer, just to make myself happier #EatSleepBlogRT

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  12. I totally get it.If I have my hair all nice and curled and I have decent make up – and a good eyebrow day – I feel SO much better about everything. It’s so surprising what a pair of heels can do aswell. Like you’re ready to take on the world!! Loved this post. And that outfit sounds INCREDIBLE! Go you! #candidcuddles xx

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  13. Absolutely agree. a great outfit combo or a single accessory really can be one’s armour. And you definitely shouldn’t have to apologise for pampering habits. Love the ideas you come up with for blog posts. Thanks for joining us at #candidcuddles

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  14. I think this is so true – sometimes when I’m feeling least confident, I put on my best outfit and go out to take the world head-on. And I’m totally with you when it comes to dressing up to go “out out” (even if it is only to the pub) – I like getting dolled up for going out so if I want to do it, I will 🙂


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  15. I love living in a village – i can walk into the pub in my muddy gardening gear or a ball gown and no-one will bat an eyelid. I’ve never tried dressing gown and slippers…maybe next weekend…
    anyway I digress, and agree, what I wear definitely can affect my mood x


  16. I agree to this so much. When I have on my striped dress with my black boots I feel unstoppable! When you feel good in your own skin you are just in a better mood! #thatsatsesh


  17. I agree, look good, feel good. I never really make an effort when I’m not at work, but its counter productive because even tho it saves time and energy, I don’t feel as good as when I’ve tried. #thesatsesh


  18. It’s mad how clothing can affect your demeanor and outlook isnt it? You’re dead right, do what makes you feel good. (Even if I’m a comfort over style kinda guy myself 😜)


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