You are traffic 

  I wish people would declare they created the quotes, but it appears this is another winner from ‘Anon’

And I find it seriously profound. I’ve been feeding this little piece of the Internet with quotes and opinions for just over 4 months and in that time a pattern has Emerged – I often end up talking about perspective and trying to turn the negative into a positive, this quote is no different. I wrote about traffic in this post and it did alter my perspective – what is the point in getting stressed when your train is delayed or your car is doing zero miles per hour thanks to some road works…however, I never thought that I was the traffic. 

(Pause whilst my brain explodes with this simple yet obvious concept) 

I wonder how many times in life we are partly, if not entirely responsible for a negative situation we find ourselves in.  

How many times have you moaned about somebody’s behaviour – only to have done a similar thing several days earlier?

If you look at yourself as the ‘traffice’ maybe it’s time we began to enjoy it a little bit more. How? Perhaps the traffic allows you to catch up with someone on your blue tooth that you haven’t seen in a while, that delayed train means you can return to your friends for that drink you didn’t think you could make, or perhaps the next time you are stuck in traffic you turn off the engine, smile at the stressed looking couple next to you, listen to a podcast, get some culture with an audio book, learn a new language or simply enjoy the silences and just be. In this crazy, fast spinning world a few minutes of peace is a gift. Make sure you are positive traffic or at least make it work for you rather than against you, after all it’s your life journey so make it work for you.

15 thoughts on “You are traffic 

  1. That’s so funny – I was thinking about this last week. I spend 12-15 hours Monday – Friday driving to work and back. This time is wasted so I wanted to utilise it better. I have decided to buy a language CD for my car to finally take a hobby that I could never quite find time for. I may look like a lunatic talking to myself on the M60 but at least it’ll be more productive than grumbling as I do 15 mph the whole way 🙂


    1. I think this is a wonderful idea! I’d love to hear how you get on. It would make things so productive and enjoyable 🙂
      Friday’s in my car are podcast times, an hour each way gives for plenty of listening and I really look forward to it.
      Adiós or aurevoir haha x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You make a very valid point. I try so hard not to get annoyed in traffic, there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes though it just gets the better of it. However more than likely I put myself there that day and time knowing there would be traffic so, ya know who’s fault is that. I know this doesn’t really just apply to traffic but the analogy is great and can be applied to so many things. More than likely I have in some way contributed to the situation I find myself in and I should be mindful of that! #thatsatsesh


  3. I love this post and it’s really got me thinking about the little positive changes I could make. I love the first comment from ‘thirtysomethingbelle’ about learning a language on her commute. That is a fab idea. Great post. X #thesatsesh


  4. Love your positive spin on this. I only really find traffic stressful because i normally have 2 small children in the car who don’t cope very well being stuck in their seats for too long! I love that this time where you can’t do anything because you’re stuck could be used to do something postitvr instead of just sitting and complaining about it. Something that can be applied to lots of situations in life really xx #thesatsesh


  5. This is a great point, we ARE the traffic! Sometimes I use this kind of comment when I try to think before commenting online- hang on- do I need to add to the noise here? It helps to reign me in when I think of myself and try to be part of a peaceful silence or solution rather than contribute in an unhelpful way. Thank you, #thesatsesh


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