Sensory #10 pipe cleaner motor skills

This activity is a classic and I’m only really posting about it because I think it’s a ‘game’ that all little people should be exposed to.

For this you will need:

  • A colander (I borrowed my neighbours)
  • A pack of colourful pipe cleaners

Then as the picture demonstrates below you simply push the pipe cleaners through the holes, I usually demo first and then ask J to help Mummy (he probably thinks I’m a seriously useless adult?)

 For older little peeps I recommend encouraging them to weave the pipe cleaners in and out – for us it was more about getting them in the holes (hence I borrowed a neighbours colander as mine has holes that are narrow and long; the maker obviously hasn’t taken sensory play into consideration 😉

Like all my plans for play, J likes to jepodise them and the pipe cleaners quickly became snakes that a T-Rex named ‘Rexie’ who was in the area of play came along and ate (see below)

 The colander then became a place for the ‘snakes’ to hide and frankly any motor skills development went out of the window.
So, if you are brave enough to give it a try (eye balls do sometimes get in the way) I’d recommend it, I’ve also done it with cooling racks in the past which are fab for older monsters as weaving can really get creative.

Best of luck and lock up all Prehistoric creatures.


19 thoughts on “Sensory #10 pipe cleaner motor skills

  1. I really love this. It’s so simple. We have all the things to do this in our house, I don’t know why we haven’t thought of it yet because you’re right, it is such a classic! Thank you so much for the inspiration, we’ll be doing this tomorrow!! Who needs toys! 😀 #toddlerapprovedtuesday x


    1. I will repeat this happily until I die…simple is always the best, he loves it! I hope you enjoy,once you’ve demo’d they happily do it by themselves aka mummy time! Everyone’s a winner x


  2. I had this task on my ‘fiddle table’ in my Reception class this week. I added beads too (not for toddlers though) so that the colander became an alien and the pipe cleaners were his hair. The beads were threaded on using repeating patterns. Love. Love. Love.
    Check out the lovely Rachel’s site:
    Loads of fab ideas like these.



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